We as a section hold a varied and full season of events. We hold both evening and Sunday runs. the evening runs are usually the “drop off ” style ( This will be explained before the start of the run) and the sunday runs are usually ” tulip” style runs where you follow a route sheet.  So please bring along you route sheet holder or some masking tape. We have a series of regular winter club nights with various talks, a film night, a quiz night and our annual Charity Auction where we auction off items donated by the traders on Founder Day, we hold a skittles night ( with faggots) at a local pub and we also have a vinatge bus ride out to various local pubs with chips supplied at the end.

 Roger holds a series or Wrinkly runs throughout the summer months during the daytime in the week. We are also famous for our Founders Day event ( which is ran by and organised by section members) . We also hold our very popular Taverners Road trial. This event has been running for over 60 years and we have a full championship for pre 57 classic trials which we run over the winter months. We have always been known as a friendly and social section. So please come along to our events and make your selves known.


The new MK1 version of the calendar has been uploaded to here

Taverners Section Calendar 2025 v1

Please note we still need some end venues for our runs so if you have any ideas please let us know. Otherwise we will end up in a pub.
Please note the date of Dicks run. Its not our usual 2nd Thursday of the month.

The BBQ trial date has had to move due to the VMCC chnaging the Banbury date. This is the new date.